Month: November 2007

  • Malay Muslims: The History and Challenge of Resurgent Islam in Southeast Asia

    M. S. Thirumalai This book, Malay Muslims: The History and Challenge of Resurgent Islam in Southeast Asia, by Robert Day McAmis is a well-written introduction to Islam in Southeast Asia. Just within 122 pages of content, the author, with a missionary career in Southeast Asia (the Philippines) for more than 25 years and then serving…


    Harold Brokke Two Important Scenes in the New Testament Consider two very important scenes in the New Testament that show us a dramatic change in one of Jesus’ disciples. The first scene is Peter the fisherman casting his net into the sea of Galilee. Jesus comes by and says to Peter and Andrew, “Follow me,…


    T. A. Hegre I am Jehovah that healeth thee… No Curse Any More! In the last chapter of the last book of the Bible, we find that the wonderful words, “And there shall be no curse any more.” There are references to the curse all through Scripture, beginning at Genesis 3:17-19, And unto Adam he…

  • Development of Competence-Oriented Missionary Training

    John Kayser, Ph.D. This manual, in workshop format, is a toolbox full of implements designed to produce effective missionary training. This word “missionary” needs definition because it is used in so many different ways. It is only when the concept of what missions is and is not is clearly understood can the potential of this…

  • Contextualization: Meaning, Methods and Models by D. Hasselgrave & E. Rommen

    Ed Dudek 1. SUMMARY OF THE BOOK The authors of this book (Contextualization: Meaning, Methods and Models by D. Hasselgrave & E. Rommen. 2003. 291 pages, William Carey Library, Pasadena, CA 91104)survey the history of contextualization in Bible and church history. They explore significant proposals of prominent thinkers, and evaluate these proposals (approaches for contextualization)…


    Dr. Tan Kok Beng On To Mission Field Without Training One section of Airport Departure Lounge was filled with noisy church young people and a sprinkling of adults and a mother in tears. They were saying farewell and bidding Godspeed to a young, excited and committed girl. She, barely 20, was being ushered into the…

  • The Reluctant and the Runaway Missionary – An Exposition

    Sudhir Isaiah, Ph.D. The Forgotten Calling In Genesis 12:2, our Father promises to Israel: “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great and you will be a blessing.” In Genesis 22:18, God tells Israel, “through your offering all nations on earth will be blessed,…


    Tim Freeman M. S. Thirumalai Missionary Training To Be Relevant to the Current Situation Missionary training loses its focus if it is not relevant to meet the current challenges. Along with theological, biblical and communication aspects that form the core of missionary training, the training needs to look beyond and address the issues that confront…

  • Go Implies a Change of Location!

    Kerry A. Olson “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.” – Mark 16:15 Resounding Words: Something About Motion! “Go implies a change of location!” Those were words I heard from Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With a Mission, many years ago at my Discipleship Training School in Kona, Hawaii. Having been involved in…