John Kayser, Ph.D.

This manual, in workshop format, is a toolbox full of implements designed to produce effective missionary training. This word “missionary” needs definition because it is used in so many different ways. It is only when the concept of what missions is and is not is clearly understood can the potential of this manual be fully unpacked.

Creative and effective educational programs must arise from God-given vision. Vision has to be the driving force behind your training, NOT funding, students, denominational needs, field needs, or competition with others. Vision must be 1) God-given, 2) Spirit-generated, 3) Christ-glorifying, 4) Biblically-sound, and 5) Kingdomoriented.

In other words, it flows from God, its outcome is dependant upon Him, and it results in the extension of the Kingdom of God for the glory of God. Vision is usually stated in outcomes. What is the long-range objective? If your vision is “to train missionaries” then it is too weak and too short-sighted. Your vision has to go beyond that. It should state what those missionaries will accomplish in terms of the religious and ethnic context of the people they will reach. The more precise you are in your vision, the more likely you will be to develop a training program that will accomplish your vision.

Steps to Training

Initial Steps

1. Recognition of need
2. Permission of Denominational leadership and release of resources to plan training
3. Request for help and planning for first Consultancy
4. Initial Consultancy: Use of Systems Approach in Planning Training.

>a. God-Directed Vision
b. Assessment of Contextual Realities
c. Development of a Competence Profile
d. Development of a Student Profile
e. Content Listing
f. Development of a training philosophy stance

Secondary Steps 

5. Leadership “buy-in” of initial consultancy plans
6. Prayer initiatives
7. Second consultancy

a. Review vision and profiles
b. Content listing in greater depth
c. Strategy planning for training
d. Instructors and resource needs identified e.Scheduling of training planned

Training Initiation Steps

8. Resources and training sites identified and acquired
9. Faculty trained if needed
10. Students recruited
11. Training begins
12. Formative evaluation
Possible further consultations:

a. Summative evaluation
b. Planning changes based on evaluations
c. Resourcing

This manual helps you to plan creative and contextually-sensitive missionary training program.


John Kayser, Ph.D.
Bethany International
6820 Auto Club Road, Suite A
Bloomington, MN 55438

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