Engage500 Scholarship Application

Bethany Graduate Studies (BGS) Engage500 Scholarship Application

Introducing Engage500

The plight of the unreached has moved Bethany and its partners to adopt Engage500, our goal to engage at least 231 Unreached People Groups in addition to the 269 people groups we are already working among, totaling at least 500 people groups by the year 2020. Engage500 provides two important catalysts to our partners: first, it brings the power of a shared vision to engage unreached peoples; second, it provides needed resources to help you accomplish your vision of engaging the unreached. The Engage500 Scholarship is one such resource.

The Purpose of the Engage500 Scholarship

The Engage500 Scholarship is designed to deliver a full financial grant for master’s level missions education through Bethany Global University to partners who are actively engaged in mission to at least one Unreached People Group. Bethany Graduate Studies (BGS) is the online graduate department of Bethany Global University. BGS offers accredited master’s level degrees in Intercultural Leadership, Intercultural Education, and Intercultural Studies. These MA degrees provide advanced missiological and leadership training which will contribute to the student’s understanding of and effective ministry engagement with their adopted Unreached People Group/s.

The Provisions of the Scholarship

The full-tuition cost of a BGS master’s program is more than $12,000. The Engage500 scholarship will be applied to 100% of BGS program fees and tuition costs. In addition, the award will cover the costs of textbooks and materials needed to participate in the course work. The scholarship award is a high value investment intended to enhance the effectiveness and fruitfulness of our partners who are working strategically among Unreached People Groups.

Scholarship awards will be paid directly to Bethany Global University on behalf of the student on a per- quad basis.

The Criteria for Application

The Engage500 scholarship is open for application to any affiliated partner of Bethany International and/or GlobeServe who is currently active in a missionary role as a frontline worker engaging at least one Unreached People Group, as a trainer of frontline missionaries with a focus on unreached peoples, or as a mission leader with work among the unreached. The applicant must have already started work among an Unreached People Group in order to be considered for the scholarship.

Definition of an Unreached People Group: Engage500 evaluates UPGs on the basis of the Joshua project definition of an unreached or least-reached people as “a people group among which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelize that people group.” The criterion of less than 2% Evangelical Christian is the uppermost number that will be considered for application, while UPGs considered “unengaged” (Evangelical Christian populations of one half of 1% or lower) are preferred.

If accepted the applicant will be required to engage in focused research and writing throughout their enrollment that adds to the Engage500 knowledge base for one or more UPGs, including the progress of engagement as defined by the included document 7 Stages of Effective Engagement among Unreached People Groups.

Engage500 applicants must gain admission to Bethany Graduate Studies through formal application to the program before the Engage500 scholarship award will be granted. If you have not already done so please complete your program application: https://bethanygu.edu/admissions/graduate/.

The Criteria for Maintaining Scholarship Standing

In order to maintain standing as a recipient of Engage500 Scholarship funds the student must…

  1. Work with the scholarship coordinator throughout the program to comply with scholarship criteria.
  2. Enroll in at least four out of five quads per year. Any quad that a recipient will not be enrolled in course work must be pre-approved by the scholarship coordinator.
  3. Maintain at least a B average.
  4. Continue engagement with the UPG during the entire time during which the student is receiving the scholarship. An exception could be made in instances of persecution or loss of a visa, etc. but a new UPG should be chosen for engagement in those circumstances.
  5. Initiate original research related to the UPG which may be published for Engage500. Our preference is that the recipient’s program track includes a thesis with research that benefits the Engage500 project, but the student agrees that BGS will direct the student to a course-driven program if it is more beneficial to the student’s ministry outcomes.
  6. Develop and work toward specific ministry outcomes as determined by the student’s ministry role and context.

Inability to comply with scholarship criteria at any point in the program may lead to forfeiture of the award.