Month: October 2008

  • An Overview of Muslim Worldview

    John Tay, M.D., Ph.D. A good appreciation of the Muslim Worldview can be gained by a comparison of the Muslim and Christian worldviews. 1. The Muslim Worldview Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the world today. People from diverse cultures and with diverse worldviews have embraced Islam. Parshall (2003:84) points out that…

  • Preparing for Ministry – Worship as Warfare

    Swarna Thirumalai, M.A. We, as ministers of the Almighty, need to prepare for the ministry time. We must pray for at least two days prior to ministry for the person we will be ministering to. Many times for some difficult ones, I have fasted and worshipped the Lord a whole day. Worship lifts us up,…

  • Three Models of Deliverance

    Gerry Breshears, Ph.D. Model 1: Gospel Encounter Either a person has a demon and isn’t a Christian or he/she is a Christian but only thinks he/she has a demon. Procedure Proclaim the gospel with prayer, a godly life, and clear truth Remember that when the person becomes a Christian, the Spirit indwells and no demon…

  • Aspects of Missionary Training in Asia

    Rabi Pame, M.Th., D.Miss. Introduction Cross-cultural Missionary training played a major role in the expansion of the church in the last century all over the world. The rapid growth of Missionary Movement in Asia today has created a great demand for cross-cultural missionary training. Very often we accept missionary candidates as long as they are…

  • A Study of Faith in the Biblical Context

    Edward E. Dudek Introduction A person’s life is governed by what he or she believes. Faith lies at the heart of the gospel and is vital to living the Christian life. It was by faith that a person is brought into right standing with God (Rom.3:28; 5:1) and becomes His children (Gal.2:16; 3:8). His wrath…

  • The Kind of Authority at Play in the Old Testament Social, Family, Political and Religious Institutions

    Noah Pashapa, Ph.D. Introduction In this article we will attempt to outline and analyze the major contours of authority as it manifests within the Old Testament. Five key social contexts which function as frames of reference with regard to its legitimacy and function in the Old Testament will be explored. These five main authority-bearer and…