Vasanthi Isaiah, M.A., D.Min. (Candidate)
When our students graduate, a new phase in their life is awaiting them as they begin to move out of the ‘nest’ that they have been a part of for some time. I would like to personally congratulate them on their achievement, for all the hard work and toil they have put in day after day. They can now breathe a sigh of relief!
I would like to take this opportunity to share with them a few thoughts about which I have often talked to them about. It is my prayer that they will remember these lessons on character development into Christ-likeness as they move on.
How to attract God’s attention?
Yes, humility attracts God’s attention.
But what exactly is humility? Humility is one of the most important of Christian virtues that must be present in every Christian believer. But it is something that is not easy to come by, as we all struggle with our ego and pride. As we allow our pride to gradually give way, our humility attracts Gods attention and we need to ask God on a daily basis to keep us humble. Humility is a virtue which I think is often misunderstood. It’s often confused with weakness. So that in much common understanding, the humble person is the person who acts like a door mat and allows other people trample to all over him, because meekness is confused with weakness. This allows them to trample all over them without saying a word in response.
Importance of Humility in Christian Living
Humility is as crucial to the Christian life as the other five graces: compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. It is important for us to understand that humility stops any act of kindness done by us as it has the potential to become the source of pride. Jesus wants us to be humble so that we can understand how much he loves us, and how much he has given us of Himself.
A Model of Humility
Let me draw your attention to the model of humility of our Lord as described by Paul: In Philippians chapter 2, Paul puts the matter most clearly. Paul challenges the Philippians to do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but to look to Christ Jesus as their example, who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as a thing to be grasped or to be held on to, but he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness and being found in human form. He humbled himself and became obedient, obedient even to the point of death on the cross. Therefore, God has highly exalted him and given him a name above every name so that at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. It is not surprising then that Jesus model of humility attracted God’s attention.
Look At Some Biblical Characters Also for Humility
Apart from the model of our Lord Jesus on humility we can look at a few biblical characters such as Moses, David and John the Baptist. Because of Moses’ humility we find that God often talked with Moses face to face, which God did not do with very many. God testified of Moses that he was the most humble man. Secondly, David’s humility attracted God’s attention to such an extent that God not only forgave David his terrible sin, He called him “a man after God’s own heart.” Thirdly, John the Baptist was so humble that he asked that he decrease while Jesus increased. And Jesus commented by saying that there was no prophet born of a woman was greater than John. These testimonies are indeed very remarkable.
Benefits of Humility
Let me share a few benefits that we derive out of our humility.
1. When we attract God’s attention through our humility, He promises us His wellbeing and his righteousness.
2. When we attract God’s attention through our humility God promises that our offspring’s names will not be cut off. What kind of legacy we leave behind that our children will not be cut off from the Lord and they remain in the hollow of Gods hands.
3. When we attract God’s attention through our humility, obedience springs forth that helps us in fulfilling God’s commands in our lives.
4. When we attract God’s attention through our humility, we will flee from Babylonian immorality, corruption, etc…
5. When we attract God’s attention through our humility, we will begin to understand the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ and His sufferings.
6. When we attract God’s attention through our humility, we will have a healthy desire to fulfill our Lord’s Great Commission to “Go make disciples from every nation …”
Let It Be a Daily Walk with the Lord!
Well, there is so much you can write on this subject, but I would like to leave you with this thought that in all that you seek to do from now on, look at the model of our Lord Jesus Christ always. The next time you want to seek God’s favor, remember to walk in humility and you can be sure to attract God’s attention. Sometimes it may be easier said than done, therefore it is not easy for me, but it is a daily walk with the Lord that helps me to remain humble.
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Vasanthi Isaiah, M.A., D.Min. (Candidate)
Bethany International University