Category: General

  • Women in (Missions) Ministry

    Steef van ‘t Slot, Ph.D. Candidate Role of Women – Some Assumptions of the Past The topic of women in (missions) ministry has caused much debate. Before World War II it was assumed that women should be in submission to men, did not minister the Word and were hardly seen in leadership roles. At first…

  • How to Attract God’s Attention

    Vasanthi Isaiah, M.A., D.Min. (Candidate) When our students graduate, a new phase in their life is awaiting them as they begin to move out of the ‘nest’ that they have been a part of for some time. I would like to personally congratulate them on their achievement, for all the hard work and toil they…

  • WHO AM I? What the Bible says is true of every child of God

    Gerry Breshears, Ph.D. Eph. 1:1 I am a saint. Eph. 1:3-4 I am chosen in Christ to be holy and blameless. 1 Thess. 1:4 I am a chosen son/daughter, and dearly loved by God. 1 John 5:18 I am born of God. John 1:12 I am a child of God. Rom. 8:14,15 I am a…

  • Missiological Signficance of God’s Patience … that none should perish

    E. Sudhir Isaiah, Ph.D. God Is Patiently Waiting! Many of us are familiar with the old favorite hymn, “softly and tenderly Jesus is calling, He’s calling for you and for me… He is patiently waiting for you to come home… Sinner, come home ….” We still sing this hymn but seldom do we realize that…

  • Tribal Religious Beliefs of North East India With Special Emphasis On Nagaland and the Introduction & Effect of the Gospel

    Edward E. Dudek, M.A. Introduction Last year, the writer had a conversation with Emmanuel Sudhir Isaiah and Vasanthi Isaiah regarding a possible ministry trip to Nagaland in Northeast India. As the time of departure for India approached, the writer discussed with Madasamy Thirumalai the possibility of writing a research paper on Northeast India. Once the…

  • Gems of Truth

    Stan Schmidt Please click here to read this book in Printer-Friendly version. CONTENTS Introduction Transparency Genesis – Job Stand in Awe Psalms – Isaiah Divine Forbearance Jeremiah – Malachi Failure The Gospels The Yearning Acts – Colossians The Furnace Thessalonians – Revelation Eternity Epilogue INTRODUCTION There are quite a number of verses in the Bible…

  • Redemptive Gifts of the Church in the Non-Western World

    Steef van ‘t Slot (Ph.D.) Huge in Numbers and Rich in Gifts A few months ago I stated that “The Church in the Developing World is huge in numbers and rich in redemptive gifts”, and promised to elaborate on that statement. So, here we go. If, for the sake of convenience, we stick to Patrick…

  • A Short List of Glossary of Terms Used in Islam

    John Tay, M.D., Ph.D. This short list of Glossary of Terms used in Islam is useful to understand the meaning of terms used in Islamic writing and discourses. Please click here to read the Glossary in Printer-Friendly version. John Tay, M.D., Ph.D. Bethany International University Singapore

  • Paul’s Corporate Evangelism in the Book of Acts

    George W. Murray In 1971 my wife and I went to the largely unevangelized country of Italy as church planters with a mission agency that at that time had six church-planting couples in the country. Each couple was located in a separate city. Because so many Italian cities and towns were (and are) totally unevangelized,…

  • Paul’s Method of Evangelism

    Pastor Wes White Introduction The Apostle Paul did not have a “Church-centered” evangelism. The Apostle Paul went wherever he could in order to preach the Gospel. In Acts 17:17, we read that Paul debated in the synagogues and in the marketplace with those who happened to be there. I think one of the big mistakes…