Month: January 2009

  • Kingdom Priority

    E. Sudhir Isaiah, Ph.D. Whenever you read the Gospels you cannot miss our Lord’s countless number of references to the “Kingdom of God.” Every such instance is aimed at people coming into the Kingdom, to receive the “Good News” offered by Jesus and be saved. It may seem paradoxical that whereas Jesus summoned men and…

  • Cloning, Stem-cell Research, and the Bible

    J. Kerby Anderson The genetic revolution may have begun in the twentieth century, but its impact will be felt mostly in the twenty-first century. Meanwhile, as knowledge in genetics doubles every few years, ethical and theological considerations often lag behind. The challenge for scientists and nonscientists and Christians and non-Christians is to evaluate carefully the…

  • Science and the Bible

    Pastor Paul Mizzi Confusion of Categories: Science, Bible Interactions between science and the Christian faith are often mistakenly described under the heading “Science and the Bible.” Little progress can be made, however, until one realizes that such a comparison results from a confusion of categories. Science is the result of human interpretation of God’s original…

  • Definition of Grace

    Gerry Breshears, Ph.D. I. Unmerited favor to us through Christ leading to full membership in family of God with all the rights, privileges, responsibilities thereunto appertaining. This is related to justification, founded on the finished work of Christ. A. Error of Judaizers (Galatians): entrance or continued membership depends on obedience. B. Error of the Christian…

  • The Bible and Capital Punishment

    David Smitherman Is Capital Punishment a Barbaric Act? From time to time, the execution of a convicted killer touches off a flurry of protests, editorials in various print media, and TV and radio talk shows in which the pros and cons (mostly the “cons”) of capital punishment are discussed. The message that usually comes from…

  • Freedom in Jesus Christ: Our Lord’s Ministry

    Edward E. Dudek, M.A. Introduction Theology in a Christian context is “a discipline of study that seeks to understand the God revealed in the Bible and to provide a Christian understanding of reality” (Erickson 1998:17). In the area of sanctification, the discipline seeks to understand God’s redemptive work of holiness in relation to humankind. Sanctification…