Month: May 2008

  • Missionary Training Issues – Need for Augmenting Talents in Simultaneous Oral Translation

    Tim Freeman M. S. Thirumalai Growth in Short-term Missions Demand Growth in More Focused Skills in Translation The need for efficient simultaneous oral translation is now felt more acutely than ever. Short-term missionaries and groups of teams that go on short-term missions to nations around the world have increased tremendously in recent times. These individuals…

  • Spiritual Warfare and Prayer

    John G. Kayser, Ph.D. You cannot estimate prayer-power. Prayer is as vast as God because He is behind it. Prayer is as mighty as God because He has committed Himself to answer it. — Leonard Ravenhill The Role of Prayer in Missionary Work Prayer is increasingly being recognized as a critical part of missionary strategy.…

  • Married Servants

    Alec D. Brooks Headship of Husband and His Servanthood A husband is not given headship over his wife so that he can get her to serve him. He is given the responsibility of headship so that he can serve her. Soon after a young man was married, he handed his wife his trousers and said,…

  • Walking in the Spirit

    Dr. Tan Kok Beng Our Lord tells us that we “will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you” (Acts 1:8). Paul tells us that He is the “Spirit of poser, love and sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). Without the Holy Spirit in our life, we cannot live victoriously. The weakness of our flesh…

  • Dead to Sin… Alive to God! Freedom From the Power of Sin and Selfishness!

    Harold J. Brokke God gives us an amazing directive in Romans 6: 11: “Consider yourselves dead to sin, but alive to God.” What powerful words these are, and yet what tremendous questions they raise. Most of us believe we can and should be alive to God, but can we be dead to sin? What does…

  • A Review of the book Death of a Guru by Rabi R. Maharaj

    Ed Dudek Summary of the Book From instructions of his mother and the example of his father, from the age of five, Rabi practiced meditation daily. His world was filled with spirits, gods and occult powers, and his obligation from childhood was to give each its due. This is quite a remarkable true story of…

  • It is Not a Job, It is a Calling!

    Daniel H. Brokke The prophet Isaiah heard the voice of the Lord asking, “Whom shall I send?” His reply was, “Here am I. Send me!” It was this radical heart in Isaiah that God could use. He was an instrument to share the heart of God, to instruct kings, and to prophecy the coming of…