Month: April 2008

  • Authority to Disciple the Nations

    George R. Foster “All authority is given to me… Go make disciples of all nations.” That Jesus Christ is Lord over all is fundamental to faith and to missions. He is our sovereign Lord! But for Jesus to reign as Lord of our lives, we must receive Him, surrender to Him, and daily seek to…

  • Some Suggestions to the Young Missionary who is Beginning His Journey

    Dr. Tan Kok Beng This is Only the Beginning of Your Journey I want to congratulate you for the successful completion of your studies. Your hard work has paid off and now you have graduated. And you are now ready to enter the field. Remember, this is only the beginning of your journey in the…

  • The Future Ahead of You! A Call to Missionary Trainer-Graduates!

    Vasanthi Isaiah, M.A. Time to Fly Out! Our dear graduates, Ah, we will miss you so much! It gives us great joy to see you moving on to another phase of your lives and ministry. We, your teachers, have been involved quite closely in your lives one way or the other in the course of…

  • Trust and Obey!

    Harold J. Brokke I was baffled when, in my college days, a young seminarian said to me, “You know, don’t you, that you are a synergist?” Well, to tell the truth, I didn’t know what synergism was, so I didn’t know whether to take it as a compliment or a criticism. Later I found a…

  • On Female Infanticide – Two Case Studies from India and China

    Adam Jones Please Read This Article With Prayer! As Christopher Price rightly points out, “To Christians, the infant had value. Whereas pagans placed no value on infant life, Christians treated them as human beings. They viewed infanticide as the murder of a human being, not a convenient tool to rid society of excess females and…

  • A Panoramic View of Contextualization

    Ed Dudek This article is an attempt to identify some of the aspects of Contextualization from a panoramic perspective. I chose seven articles that may be considered important for any course on the Contextualization of Theology for missionary training. These articles were culled from an informal reader on aspects of contextualization compiled by Prof. Sudhir…