Month: December 2007

  • Review of A Basic Introduction to Missions and Missiology – A book by Glen Rogers

    M. S. Thirumalai A Basic Premise of the Book With less than 200 pages, Glen Rogers has written an eminently readable book on the need for missions and methods and practices of missiology. I would like to point out the following as one of the basic premises of this book found on page 59: “Contextualization…


    Harold Brokke This is the Earliest Article of Pastor Harold Brokke Published in Message of the Cross, 1951 July-August Issue. Pastor Harold Brokke’s ministry around the world has involved not only preaching and counseling countless missionaries but also prolific writing on themes related to missionary training, Christian living, Message of the Cross, etc. His writings…


    Alec Brooks CONTENTS Preface 1. God’s Relationship to World as Creator and Redeemer  2. God’s Greatness  3. God Determines Great Purposes and Keeps Promises  4. All Things are Present to God  5. God’s Goodness 6. God is Merciful, Compassionate, Faithful & Persistent  7. God’s Grief: The Problem of Evil  8. The Pathos of God  9.…


    Sudhir Isaiah, Ph.D. True Godly Leadership – A Rare Commodity True Godly leadership is a rare commodity today it seems, but true leadership is a very crucial area in the life of a ministry worker, be it a pastor, a missionary, a church worker, or even a market place worker. Leaders with “Charisma” and Their…

  • MISSIONARY TRAINING ISSUES – Ministry To The Disabled

    Tim Freeman M. S. Thirumalai Disabled Is a Collective Term Let us begin with an observation: the term disabled is a collective term that embraces a variety of disabilities including deafness, blindness, etc. This field has seen a variety of changes in terms and concepts. For example, the term deaf and dumb was dropped with…

  • CHURCH PLANTING – “Why Must I Join a Church?”

    Dr. Tan Kok Beng A Question Raised on the Field Often a new Christian or a seeker asks the missionary on the field a very important question: “Why must I join a church?” Is this not enough for him or her to worship the Lord Jesus Christ privately, in his or her own way and…

  • WE WILL JUDGE THEM BY THEIR FEET – The Impact of SIM Mission Among The Gourmanché of Eastern Burkina Faso

    Joel Gray Explaining the Growth of the Church in Burkina 2005 marks the 75th anniversary of SIM’s presence among the Gourmanché people of eastern Burkina Faso. Today approximately 540 local churches and adherents numbering some 40, 000 represent the fruit that the first missionaries in 1930 dared dream of. When speaking with Burkinabé Christians and…


    Daniel H. Brokke “If a man abides in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 Jesus was completely clear with His desire for us: to bear much fruit and that our fruit would remain. His vision for us and the key to simple…